家事法庭对许多家庭事务有广泛的管辖权. 它旨在解决因离婚和合法分居而产生的分歧, including provisions for the care of children.
Representing Yourself in Family Court
本简介提供一些基本资料,帮助你了解家事法庭的诉讼程序. 欲了解更多信息,请访问马里科帕县6686皇冠最新登陆 website or consult a lawyer.
- Proceedings
家事法庭的诉讼程序或聆讯及会议遵循 Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure.
In a divorce or paternity case, you may be referred to an Early Resolution Conference, Mediation, a Parenting Conference, 或调解会议(有时称为替代性争议解决或ADR). 这些程序旨在帮助人们就所有或部分争议达成协议. They generally are not done by your assigned judge.
你可能要在你指定的法官面前出席审前听证会. 最常见的审前听证会是决议管理会议, which helps the judge manage the case by setting deadlines and a trial date; and a Temporary Orders Hearing, 法官可作出临时命令,在审判前予以遵守.
如果你不能解决与对方的所有问题,就会有一场审判. 审判是一次听证会,法官将听取双方的证据,并对你们的分歧做出最终决定.
- Disclosure and Discovery
双方均有义务自愿提供某些信息. 未能按要求披露可能会导致被称为制裁的处罚, 包括被禁止谈论或出示没有及时披露的证据.
If you need information that has not bee provided, you may engage in discovery, 比如向当事人以外的个人或企业索要文件或传票.
- The Trial
审判是当事双方就有争议的问题提出证据. 法官将根据审判中提供的证据和讨论的内容来决定这些问题. 只有你在审判中提出或谈论的证据才会被考虑.
After the trial, 法官可能会在法庭上给你一个裁决,也可能会对案件进行“深思熟虑”,这意味着法官稍后会给你一份书面裁决.
法官的裁决可以是签署的法令或判决,正式结束案件. If the judge chooses, 法官可能会裁决有争议的问题,然后要求你, the other person, 或者你们都提交一份法令让法官根据法官的判决签字.
- Preparing For The Trial
When preparing for the trial, 仔细阅读法官的记录是非常重要的. 记录会告诉你法官对你的期望. It may include:
(1) Giving the judge and the other person a pretrial statement that describes the issues in the case and lists your witnesses and exhibits; and
Many judges may hold you to time limits at the trial. 确保在规定的时间内提供所有证据是你的责任.
- What Happens During The Trial?
(1)法官将询问双方是否有任何需要解决的初步问题, 并会就如何进行听证会给出程序上的指示.
双方当事人都有机会作开庭陈述. That statement will be a summary of each parties’ position.
(3) Presentation of evidence. 证据一般有两种:证言和证物.
当你传召证人作证时,你必须向证人提问. A witness may only answer questions that are asked. 传唤证人的人问话完毕后, 对方可以通过提出补充问题对证人进行质证.
你和另一个人可以代表他或她自己作证. 然而,当证人站在证人席上时,你和另一个人只能问问题. 不允许与证人争论或评论答案.
During trial preparation, you uploaded your exhibits into CaseLines, the Court’s digital evidence portal. 除非你被允许展示其他新发现的东西,否则审判期间只能展示这些证物. During the trial, 你将引导法官注意你上传到6686皇冠最新登陆门户的物品并要求将其作为证据, 双方都有机会进行结案陈词. Lastly, 法院将陈述其调查结果以备记录,并作出裁决, 或者可以考虑让法官在60天内作出书面裁决.
- Proper Court Procedure
Although family cases are often emotional, 在法庭上,每个人都表现得冷静和尊重是很重要的. Here are some “Do’s and Don’ts:”
- Do dress appropriately. Don’t wear hats, sunglasses, or ragged clothes.
- Do wait your turn to speak. Don’t interrupt or argue while someone else is talking.
- Do treat others with respect. Don’t curse, make faces, or engage in insulting behavior.
- Do be honest and up front with the judge. Don’t lie or try to hide things.
- 一定要确保和你一起来的朋友和家人安静地坐着. 除非被叫到证人席作证,否则他们是不允许发言的.
eFileAZ申请可用于以电子方式提交家事法庭案件. 有关备案系统的信息,注册和培训使用,您可以访问 http://www.azcourts.gov/efilinginformation/eFileAZ